Enigma (Poem) by @NamelessHeller

Sometimes I sit down and contemplate//
About my life and
how I’m destined to fail//
And the route I’m destined
to take is pale//
Raised by a single
mother all I had back then was her faith/
With a sub-conscious
of a serpent snake, I’m destined to have a tormented fate//
20 years old and the
hate I have for my father is Juxtapose to an atheist’s view of the holy-grail//
With scars that
could narrate a tell all tale//
The pain inflicted
in my veins can’t even compare to a wolf that drinks wolf spain cause its
deranged by all the killing it’s made//
Suicidal thoughts at
the age of eighteen-/-leading me to overdose on caffeine because I always saw
death in my dreams//
The only thing
making me sane is the ‘green’//
As it gets rid of
the smokescreen in my life//
Maybe I need a guide
to help me differentiate between good and wrong//
!’ is the chorus playing in my head like a fucken looped
Maybe I should
listen to the chorus cause my is raw//
With a life full of
flaws maybe I should use that switchblade and cut my hands off//
Cause the life I’m
living is a mystery that even a private investigator can’t solve//
I instigate violence
without thinking about the consequence, life is too short to think about how I shall
Or should I create a
movement like ISIS and cut all my enemies heads off!!!!!//
Nah!!…that’s just
the rage talking*red eyes!*, I’m sweating with a temper of a phantom//
I quit cigarettes
even though they used to nullify the pain, now my whole life is based on a story
like I’m Hancock//
Or should I turn my life
into a puppet show and control all these miserable socks!!/
So as I can
reincarnate the Dead Poets Society and gain fame like I’m Ethan Hawke//
To see them scream
my name out like “Nameless Heller! Nameless Heller!!!” until they break their
vocal chords//
And let me finally
afford to drive a replica of my fathers red XLT ford//
Before I end this
poem let me end my life by letting the blood flow out of my body by cutting my
wrist using a samurai sword!/
Now my whole life is
flashing before my eyes and I get to realise that religion is truly fabricated
and that there is no Lord!!//………………………..

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