Envy is a root of evol that leads 2 self destruction |
Envy is a weapon that kills you slowly, eating your soul piece by piece|
It controls your fate, it’s trigonometry full of deductions |
With envy, you putting your happiness on a lease|
Controlled by another man’s success, how are you gonna function?|
Focus on yourself don’t ever try to please,
Envy is not your master you ain’t a dog on a leash|
Envy eats your inner self, your soul, like a vaccum suction|
Have an “Oh well touche” mindset like A Reece|
Focus on you and your goals , be a morning star like Mercury is |
Make a wish, make a wish, a wish to eradicate Envy as its an evol the 21st century can’t comprehend|
Envy is one of the deadly roots of evol like a vampires fang |
Be noble,be happy with what you have|
Use your think tank, and success shall truly be yours men|…