“Umhlaba Uyaphenduka” by Vigos and Shaba Stele is a captivating Amapiano EP that hit the shelves this morning. With a diverse lineup of talented collaborators, including WayneTheMaestro, Lunar Parks, Mashabane, Scott the Dj, and Baba Mkhulu, the EP explores various sonic landscapes. Tracks like “Angazi My Bro” showcase a seamless fusion of Amapiano beats and Mashabane’s vocals, while “Jane” featuring Scott the Dj and Baba Mkhulu adds a unique flavor to the mix. Overall, a refreshing addition to the Amapiano scene, offering a dynamic blend of sounds and collaborations.
Click To Stream Umhlaba Uyaphenduka (EP)
STREAM Umhlaba Uyaphenduka (EP) BELOW