What Is Love? (Poem)

What is Love?|
A feeling embedded in our brain since we were cubs?|
Or are we brainwashed in believing in fiction infused by the harmonic sounds of harps?|
Because all we see is people walking about with hypnotic sounds of birds chirping in the park!|
Is it a misguided feeling we misplace for lust as when the feeling goes away our hearts are filled by something dark?|
Or is it a feeling that we can turn On n Off whenever we feel like it? Huh?|
the love song has been sung, preachers preach it,they say we are supposed to feel it,
But where is L.O.V.E when they fight for a hooker at the club?|
Shooting at each other with rifle guns?|
So the son of a gun doesn’t feel love so what is L.O.V.E?
An intensified notion placed on our pysche?|
We seem to only care about matters that affect us only, what about other countries?|
Is there love when the boko haram girls are forced to stone one of their own till their skin sheds and starts to bleed?|
Where is Love when the police start shooting at innocent people for no apparent reason, and we just hashtag #fuckthepolice #blacklivesmatter #legaliseweed?|
taktake the lead!!.. as I’m a knight swiftly moving through the night like a shadow to express my inner thoughts|
With a cancerous flow from these cigarette stomps, I ask myself of the thieves creeping in the dark stabbing people?,do they ever feel love when their victims slowly fade away whilst blood flows out of their body and starts to clot?|
Or have they simply turned it Off|

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